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    These tests : French tests English tests All
    Find this word: (ONE word in the title)

    tests by eos17 with the online test builder (599 tests)

    41. For - Since (691 candidates)
    42. Adjective or past participle and preposition (722 candidates)
    43. Confusion of words (738 candidates)
    44. Pronoms relatifs simples (13958 candidates)
    45. Derivation (543 candidates)
    46. Erreurs fréquentes (953 candidates)
    47. Phrasal verbs (403 candidates)
    48. Pronoms personnels. (643 candidates)
    49. Compound adjectives (524 candidates)
    50. Questions tags (675 candidates)
    51. Temps composés de l'indicatif. (2633 candidates)
    52. Idiomes pour dire beaucoup. (538 candidates)
    53. Modal verbs - may - should - must... (618 candidates)
    54. Finales en au, aud, aut, aux ,eau (704 candidates)
    55. Synonyms of - Enjoy (428 candidates)
    56. Questions words (619 candidates)
    57. Pléonasmes (859 candidates)
    58. De l'adjectif au verbe. (1608 candidates)
    59. Compound words with some,any,no (955 candidates)
    60. Conjugaison : temps simples de l'indicatif (2573 candidates)

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