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    These tests : French tests English tests All
    Find this word: (ONE word in the title)

    tests by eos17 with the online test builder (599 tests)

    101. Marqueurs temporels : fréquence et progression. (1867 candidates)
    102. False friends (969 candidates)
    103. Marqueurs temporels de durée. (1475 candidates)
    104. Place of adverbs (552 candidates)
    105. Dictation - La Rochelle and Quebec (615 candidates)
    106. Conjonctions de coordination. (871 candidates)
    107. Infinitive or gerund (878 candidates)
    108. Modals and derivatives (536 candidates)
    109. Le son (g) (541 candidates)
    110. Exclamative words (433 candidates)
    111. Reflexive and mutual pronouns (746 candidates)
    112. Synonymes du verbe -voir. (714 candidates)
    113. Prepositions and adjectives (456 candidates)
    114. Adjectives : likely, pretty sure and bound (981 candidates)
    115. Pluriel des noms composés (1230 candidates)
    116. Singular or plural of nouns (591 candidates)
    117. Say and synonyms (473 candidates)
    118. Genre : masculin ou féminin ? (755 candidates)
    119. Causative clauses (675 candidates)
    120. Colours and expressions (514 candidates)

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