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    These tests : French tests English tests All
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    tests by rkjs58 with the online test builder (51 tests)

    21. Oh winter! Outside (1002 candidates)
    22. Status of relationship (842 candidates)
    23. Computer problems (4095 candidates)
    24. Birth and Death (918 candidates)
    25. Wedding, Divorce, Pregnancy (1403 candidates)
    26. Social networking sites (1817 candidates)
    27. Personal celebrations (1815 candidates)
    28. Go-->Different ways (part-2 concluded) (680 candidates)
    29. Go-->Different ways (Part-1) (1184 candidates)
    30. Types of websites (1304 candidates)
    31. Express Optimism in idioms (4072 candidates)
    32. Alternative medicine techniques (1705 candidates)
    33. Run in different ways (899 candidates)
    34. Idioms with kitchenware (1816 candidates)
    35. Forms of Advertisement (1493 candidates)
    36. Importance of Advertisement (1109 candidates)
    37. Common news phrases on television (24052 candidates)
    38. Disadvantages of mobile phone (3344 candidates)
    39. Advantages of mobile phones (4781 candidates)
    40. Forms of Non-fiction (765 candidates)

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