421. Past tenses (3066 candidates)
422. Past perfect or pluperfect (908 candidates)
423. Révision (4742 candidates)
424. Révision (3149 candidates)
425. Natalia Ginsburg (204 candidates)
426. Mots de la tribu (Les)-1- Natalia Ginsburg (302 candidates)
427. Italo Calvino (546 candidates)
428. Find the right word (1143 candidates)
429. Several topics (3886 candidates)
430. Elision et apocope (731 candidates)
431. Dictation : L'Italia del dolore (1212 candidates)
432. Monosyllables: accent, apostrophe / nothing (650 candidates)
433. Monosyllables: accents, apostrophe or nothing (1362 candidates)
434. Fable : The goatherd and the wild goats (257 candidates)
435. Il cieco (Fedro) (433 candidates)
436. I pescatori che pescarono pietre (167 candidates)
437. Fable : The eagle and the carrion crow (565 candidates)
438. La volpe e l'uva (Fedro) (217 candidates)
439. I due muli e i briganti (264 candidates)
440. Dictation : The monkey and the fishermen (230 candidates)
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