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    These tests : French tests German tests Italian tests Maths tests Dutch tests All
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    tests by mariebru with the online test builder (3206 tests)

    1281. Subordinate clauses (2740 candidates)
    1282. Relative pronouns (567 candidates)
    1283. Past participles (2767 candidates)
    1284. Infinitive (te) (246 candidates)
    1285. Netherlands (15) (51 candidates)
    1286. Introducing oneself (4371 candidates)
    1287. Latin - 10 - Noms de la première déclinaison - l'ablatif (2972 candidates)
    1288. Imperfect (549 candidates)
    1289. Compound words with voet (220 candidates)
    1290. Belgique - Quelques événements (726 candidates)
    1291. Indefinite pronouns/adjectives (324 candidates)
    1292. Netherlands - Maastricht (503 candidates)
    1293. NEDERLAND (14) (68 candidates)
    1294. Écrivains belges (456 candidates)
    1295. Latin - 9 - Noms de la 2ème déclinaison - le datif (1348 candidates)
    1296. Demonstrative adjectives (379 candidates)
    1297. Régimes politiques - France (1578 candidates)
    1298. Magritte (René) (790 candidates)
    1299. Netherlands (13) (85 candidates)
    1300. Eurovision (508 candidates)

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