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    These tests : French tests English tests Dutch tests All
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    tests by ilona2 with the online test builder (246 tests)

    81. Comparatives of superiority (3101 candidates)
    82. Position verbs (555 candidates)
    83. Infinitive with/without 'te' (1156 candidates)
    84. Relative pronouns (789 candidates)
    85. 1st fish in the Netherlands (185 candidates)
    86. Feminine (99 candidates)
    87. Jobs (759 candidates)
    88. Past participles (1055 candidates)
    89. Nature des mots (613 candidates)
    90. Anne Provoost (206 candidates)
    91. Dave (239 candidates)
    92. Tenses (1305 candidates)
    93. André Rieu (299 candidates)
    94. Accidents (1151 candidates)
    95. Skating (193 candidates)
    96. Compréhension. Rêve (3043 candidates)
    97. Compréhension-Promenades (1485 candidates)
    98. Fall (176 candidates)
    99. Anne Provoost (108 candidates)
    100. Passive voice (2592 candidates)

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