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    tests by ilona2 with the online test builder (246 tests)

    61. Présent / Imparfait (6792 candidates)
    62. Compréhension : Week-end en Bretagne. (1458 candidates)
    63. Pronominal adverbs (1005 candidates)
    64. Imperfect (522 candidates)
    65. Argentan et ses environs (313 candidates)
    66. Compréhension : L'arborétum (3369 candidates)
    67. Maladies (2765 candidates)
    68. Amsterdam-Compréhension (1733 candidates)
    69. Tenses (598 candidates)
    70. Tour aux figures (La)-Compréhension (1025 candidates)
    71. Amsterdam (360 candidates)
    72. Recette à l'impératif (2968 candidates)
    73. Prepositions in context (3479 candidates)
    74. Compound words with nacht (91 candidates)
    75. Compound words with fish (105 candidates)
    76. Compréhension-Cours de violon (1974 candidates)
    77. Imperative (3222 candidates)
    78. Being sick (488 candidates)
    79. Compréhension-Classe de neige. (2213 candidates)
    80. Passé composé. (Révision) (2061 candidates)

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