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    These tests : French tests English tests Dutch tests All
    Find this word: (ONE word in the title)

    tests by ilona2 with the online test builder (246 tests)

    41. Noël (535 candidates)
    42. Imperfect (7464 candidates)
    43. Linking words (adverbs) (1355 candidates)
    44. Conditionnel présent (2106 candidates)
    45. Zijn/Hebben (5784 candidates)
    46. Diminutifs (138 candidates)
    47. Passé composé (2063 candidates)
    48. Belgium: Vlaanderen (259 candidates)
    49. Marqueyssac - Compréhension (1098 candidates)
    50. Marqueyssac (95 candidates)
    51. Subordinate clauses (719 candidates)
    52. Superlatives of superiority (1513 candidates)
    53. Imperfect (640 candidates)
    54. What's the time? (1279 candidates)
    55. Plural (1268 candidates)
    56. Imperative (601 candidates)
    57. Past participles (755 candidates)
    58. Animals (369 candidates)
    59. Prepositions (350 candidates)
    60. Conjunctions (658 candidates)

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