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    These tests : French tests English tests Dutch tests All
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    tests by ilona2 with the online test builder (246 tests)

    201. Spelling : a / aa ? (313 candidates)
    202. Count Dracula (2630 candidates)
    203. Written comprehension: At the zoo (4852 candidates)
    204. Near future (1043 candidates)
    205. Words begining with - trou (1590 candidates)
    206. James Ensor (274 candidates)
    207. Rik Hendrik Wouters (76 candidates)
    208. Personal pronouns (5076 candidates)
    209. Opposites (959 candidates)
    210. Expressions - prepositions (500 candidates)
    211. Chanteurs néerlandais (158 candidates)
    212. Forêts (les) (1185 candidates)
    213. Didier Erasme (248 candidates)
    214. Écluses de Fonsérannes (4736 candidates)
    215. Baruch de Spinoza (403 candidates)
    216. Prepositions (1620 candidates)
    217. Dame Blanche du lac (la)- légende (1011 candidates)
    218. Read and answer : Sirčne de Schouwen (2123 candidates)
    219. Gender (de-woorden) (1609 candidates)
    220. Past participles (2047 candidates)

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