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    These tests : French tests English tests Dutch tests All
    Find this word: (ONE word in the title)

    tests by ilona2 with the online test builder (246 tests)

    1. Diminutifs (440 candidates)
    2. Passé simple (827 candidates)
    3. Verbes irréguliers (1264 candidates)
    4. Proverbes et dictons (375 candidates)
    5. Adjectifs terminés par 'baar' (401 candidates)
    6. Expressions (265 candidates)
    7. Déterminants (790 candidates)
    8. Impératif (516 candidates)
    9. Conjugaison (791 candidates)
    10. Words ending in '-heid' (529 candidates)
    11. Tour des Flandres 2018 (142 candidates)
    12. Jacqueline Vaudecrane (38 candidates)
    13. Tour des Flandres 2018 (45 candidates)
    14. Gabriella Papadakis (63 candidates)
    15. Gabriella Papadakis (60 candidates)
    16. Participe passé (655 candidates)
    17. Lucy Loes (71 candidates)
    18. Expressions (212 candidates)
    19. Impératif (244 candidates)
    20. Expressions familières (461 candidates)

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