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    tests by hidalgo with the online test builder (149 tests)
    Ranked by ID - By candidates | By average | By alphabetical order | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    1. Simple past with irregular verbs (646 candidates)
    2. As, like or how (1186 candidates)
    3. Causatives (464 candidates)
    4. Prepositions (698 candidates)
    5. Simple past (442 candidates)
    6. Among or Between (10423 candidates)
    7. Past simple (961 candidates)
    8. Past simple (39088 candidates)
    9. Do and Make (6684 candidates)
    10. Infinitive or V-ing (7267 candidates)
    11. Hundred, thousand, million (86522 candidates)
    12. Exclamations (4391 candidates)
    13. Derived adjectives (4911 candidates)
    14. Relative pronouns (2834 candidates)
    15. Indefinite pronouns (13920 candidates)
    16. Prepositions and gerund (30160 candidates)
    17. What a wonderful world by Louis Armstrong (11039 candidates)
    18. Infinitive with or without To (9964 candidates)
    19. Imagine by John Lennon (13536 candidates)
    20. Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer (22072 candidates)

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