Le commerce



> les échanges commerciaux = trade
> le producteur = the producer
> le consommateur = the consumer
> vendre = to sell, sold, sold
> acheter = to buy, bought, bought
> achat = purchase
> commander quelque chose = to order something
> entreposer quelque chose = to stock something
> un commerçant = a shopkeeper
> un magasin = a shop
> un marché = a market
> faire les courses = to go* shopping
> un rayon = a department
> le chef de rayon = the shopkeeper
> les clients = customers
> le prix = price
> une étiquette = a label
> coûter = to cost, cost, cost
> marchander quelque chose = to bargain for something
> cher = expensive
> livrer = to deliver
> gratuit = free
> un supermarché = a supermarket
> une filiale = a subsidiary
> un P.D.G. = a Chief Executive Officer (C.E.O.)
> le siège social = the head office
> le personnel = the staff
> un employé = an employee
> démissionner = to resign
> les petits-boulots = mini jobs
> les emplois à temps partiel = part-time jobs
> le bureau = the office
> un comptable = an accountant


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