Learn French > French lessons and exercises > French test #46791
FLE - Family and irregular feminine nouns - French lesson
Your family : Feminine irregular nouns.

le grand-père (the grandfather) | la grand-mère (the grandmother) |
le père (the father) | la mère (the mother) |
le fils (the son) | la fille (the daughter) |
le frère (the brother) | la sœur (the sister) |
le neveu (the nephew) | la nièce (the niece) |
l'oncle (the uncle) | la tante (the aunt) |
le papa (dad) | la maman (mummy) |
le parrain (the godfather) | la marraine (the godmother) |
monsieur (sir) | madame (madam) |
l'homme The man | la femme the woman |
le garçon the boy | la fille the girl |
End of the free exercise to learn French: FLE - Family and irregular feminine nouns
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