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Conjugation of the verb with the Subject Pronouns - French lesson
Conjugation of the verb
With the subject pronouns ' je, tu, il, elle, nous, vous, ils'
(Lesson for beginners)
A verb is not always written with the same ending.
It is changed to show different persons and tenses. This is referred to as conjugation of the verb :
Example : je chante- nous chantons.
The verbs are catalogued by their infinitive form.
The infinitive form often ends in -er ou -ir
Some infinitive examples :
1st group : chanter - pleurer - sauter - travailler
2nd group : finir - rougir
(The Present Participle of this group of verbs ends in 'issant' ; ex: rougir => rougissant)
3rd group : dormir - partir - venir - attendre - pleuvoir - faire
A verb can be conjugated
In the past (j'étais enfant),
In the present (je suis adulte)
or in the future (je serai vieux).
The Subject Pronouns are used in order to conjugate the verbs :
Je - tu - il - elle - on - nous - vous - ils – elles
personal pronouns | singular | plural |
1st person | je / j' | nous |
2nd person | tu | vous |
3rd person | Il/elle/on | Ils/elles |
Be careful with ON
Though 'on' can refer to several people, it is in the singular form, thus the verb will be in the singular form
on chante.
These verbs are conjugated in the present :
Je mange (manger)
Je rougis (rougir)
Tu dessines (dessiner)
Tu remplis (remplir)
Il/ elle saute (sauter)
Il/elle applaudit (applaudir)
Nous parlons (parler)
Nous choisissons (choisir)
Vous gommez (gommer)
Vous agissez (agir)
Ils/elles arrivent (arriver)
Ils/elles avertissent (avertir)
From the Subject Pronouns : je, tu, il, elle, nous, vous, ils, elles ,
complete the following sentences with Nous, vous, je, tu :

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